Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Giwl

We were outside playing with our neighbors this morning, and Jolie kept talking about our baby and (as she always has) kept referring to the baby as "she" and "her," etc. 

I laughed and asked, "But honey, what if our baby is a boy?" To which she responded, "Well, my a love a giwl baby or a boy baby...  But it's a giwl."

No doubt, no second thoughts. This baby is a girl, and she's confident of it. 

James was always certain that Jolie was a "giggle" even from the get-go, so maybe she's right. She's said it was a girl even when it was "our baby in heaven." Maybe she remembers her sister? Or maybe she's just wishfully thinking. Either way, it's adorable. And crazy, crazy sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Ryan keeps telling me lately that our baby is a "boy brother"...hope he is wrong! :)
