Friday, November 8, 2013

Loss in the Form of a Tooth

Something big happened at our house Saturday night (November 2nd)! He's smiling now, but he was TERRIFIED!! I didn't think it would happen this soon, so we had not even discussed it or prepared him at all. He was screaming and bawling and scared. I felt awful. After a bunch of snuggling, shooshing, and talking, he's ok. But CRAP! I hadn't realized losing a tooth could be so terrifying!! 

The tooth was never even loose that we were aware of!! James had said his teeth hurt when we were eating lunch earlier in the day, but I thought nothing of it- assuming they were just sensitive to the cold water or having a rough time chewing the bread.  I wish I had asked for more details!  We had no idea! I'm not sure how James was so unaware. Kids in his class and his peers, etc, have lost teeth!  I think he knew it happened but only vaguely.  No details about the fact that it just falls out, or that there is blood involved (blood scares my kids to death). I seriously felt like a major failure of a mom. Luckily, we were able to talk things out and explain things and attempt to put a positive spin on it all.  The poor kid finally relaxed his stiff-as-a-board body, and his sobs finally let up.  The night ended alright.  But you'd better believe we'll be having the maturation talk sooner than later!

As part of this positive-spin business, I told him excitedly that it was time I made him a tooth pillow!  When I was a kid and lost my first tooth, my mom got out her sewing machine and made me my very own tooth pillow. It wasn't as literal as James' ended up being; mine's a pretty burgundy/pink floral print, circular, with lace around it and (of course) a pocket for my tooth. But I loved it. This tender action on my mom's part always made me feel so loved and special, and my tooth pillow is still among my treasured possessions. The kids have seen it (from out of my hope chest) and heard of it before.  So tonight, when James lost his first little tooth, I knew I had to make him his very own tooth pillow, to keep the tradition of love. I whipped together a cute little tooth (literally) pillow with a smiley face and (hopefully) happy eyes.  There's also a pocket (critical for keeping teeth safe for the Tooth Fairy) in the back (in its bum, according to James... nice). It's nowhere near perfect, but I hope it makes him feel special. I hope he knows just how much his mommy loves him.

He was so happy with it. He couldn't wait to sleep with "Toothie."

The next morning, James woke up super excited!  He came into my room exclaiming, "She came! She came!"  The Tooth Fairy had come after all.  She left him his very own dollar bill!  (She used to leave us 25 cents... she must have accounted for inflation, lol.)  We snuggled in bed for a bit, and then we ran to the window and flew open the blinds... It had snowed!!  The Tooth Fairy must be friends with the winter fairies we decided! :) 

It was a wonderful morning.  The kids were both so excited about James' visit from the Tooth Fairy. (Jolie woke up later and was so anxious to see if the Tooth Fairy had come that she didn't even want to hear about the snow... she just wanted to see that tooth pillow!)  And the snow was so fun and lovely.  We dug out their snow clothes (what we had that fit), and they went outside to play in (and eat, of course) the snow!  They had so much fun!  Afterward, we came inside to some hot cocoa and delicious pancakes- courtesy of a fantastic daddy!  Our neighbors Shaughnessy and (kids) Ryon and Jordyn joined us for breakfast.  It was cozy and great.  The trauma of the night before was a distant memory.  Sweet boy.  I can't believe he's old enough for this. My baby is growing up.

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