Sunday, November 24, 2013

Cozy But Crampy

Today was a relaxing, easy day at home. There are perks to being quarantined, turns out; you're forced to take it easy and spend time with one another! It's been wonderful (those parts). My favorite part of the day was this morning when we were all gathered together around the coffee table. James and Derek were taking turns playing Minecraft (James had days; Derek had nights), and Jolie and I were making jewelry (Christmas presents... She strung some, then handed me a bead etc so I could use it). So fun. So cozy. So pleasant for all involved.

I slept in this morning, took a nap that I'm pretty sure was four hours long (!!) and had a relaxing bath. Sooo nice. Then tonight, Derek and I watched Romantics Anonymous (seriously enjoyable flick, in French with subtitles) whilst sipping Cherry Vanilla Sprites (mmm) and eating chocolate (of course). Perfection!

But after the movie, I started feeling less than awesome. I was fooling around on an app (Duolingo) reviewing my French. That was fun. But my body was less happy. Is, I should say. It's happening still.

First, I'm having fairly strong / uncomfortable contractions. Not too unusual, but certainly unignorable. Also, I'm feeling crampy. Like period crampy, dull/achy not sharp. It's down low and a bit in my back. And I'm feeling queasy. I'm sure they're all related but unsure as to whether they merit any concern. 

My anxiety levels have been peaked lately and I've had way too many daymares. I seriously can be sitting down for 1.67 seconds and think of a worst case scenario that could happen and what could be done as a follow up. Anyway, because of this anxiety, the situation (rather, combined situations) worries me.

But it's not my first pregnancy, and I know better. I know this is nothing. I am not counting contractions because that's ridiculous. I'm not in labor. I know I'm not. I really do know this. But red flags are flying nonetheless. 

It all may be due to my being sick. I've taken far too long to bounce back; it was Tuesday for crying out loud! But I'm still feeling the effects of it all. I hope I haven't screwed myself for these last few weeks. I'd rather not be in recovery mode the whole time, thank you very much. But I suppose we'll see. Maybe this is just what the last month of pregnancy is like! I've never tried to keep going full throttle before; perhaps I've just never noticed.

So there's that. Il y a ça. Baby is moving around still, so I'm not too worried about her. So I need to chill out and stop worrying about me. Everything is fine. It is. It is.


  1. Deep breath. You're doing amazing!

  2. I have had contractions like crazy this pregnancy, too! It's hard not to freak out. I had them 5 min apart for 3 hours straight right around Halloween and I was so stressed! My midwife told me to take cal-mag (a calcium magnesium supliment) and it seems to help. (I take it in liquid form and it helps with heartburn, too.) An Epson Salt bath really helps, too. The Epson Salt relaxes muscles, which helps with the contractions, but also relaxes the rest of the muscles, so it feels great on achy back/legs/feet/etc. Soooo nice and relaxing. :) Hang in there!!
