Thursday, September 13, 2012


Is that:
A. The number of pregnancy tests I bought from the dollar store today?
B. The number of children I ultimately want to have?
C. The number of years I have lived on this Earth?
or D. All of the above?

As is often the case, the correct answer is C. Today is my birthday. :)

I took a pregnancy test today. Seemed easy enough. I mean, come on, you pee in a cup and then drop drop- you're done! Well, it must have been harder than I thought. Turns out I failed.

I wasn't actually thinking it'd be positive. Okay, a teensy bit of me thought it might be. But really, I was quite certain I wasn't pregnant. The reason I took the test regardless of this quite-certainty was simply that MY PERIOD IS LATE!

Fine. The all-caps yelling is uncalled for. But seriously, body! What the funk? I'm overdue. And I know I ovulated. What comes down must come... down... right? Meh. Whatev. I just really want my body to be functioning properly and it wigs me our that it might not be. Stupid IUD. It had better not mess with me like birth control pills did!

The good news is: I haven't experienced an excruciatingly painful period. Yay. Though I did have some wicked boob pain the other day that made me want to lop one off! I chalk it up to sympathy pains for my newly nursing mama friends. Let's have a moment of silence to honor their poor, wounded soldier titties.



Anyway, I bought the pregnancy test yesterday (well, several hours ago), but I waited to do my pee thang until it was officially the 13th. I figured that doing so would give this kid (if it were positive) a piece of the whole Lucky 13 pie. Sorry, kid. Better luck next time.

Besides that, no news to report. Not on the baby front, anyway. Except that I love the two I've got like I never thought possible. Mmm. Squeeze! Such fabulous kids.

Now... Who's gonna convince Derek to let me open the mysterious box in the garage...? ;)


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