I had my annual wellness check today. My friend across the street, Rose, watched the kids. I had to fill out all sorts of paperwork again, probably because it has been so long since my last appointment (I was certainly due for an exam). I saw a PA this time, not my OBGYN, because I was able to get in months sooner seeing her. I had not met her before, but she seemed nice. And sometimes it's nice to see a woman. They seem to get you more. Anyway, the appointment was fine, fairly seamless. And mostly painless. She did the cervix scrape (yes, fun) first and then woop- out came the IUD. No biggie. I hardly felt it. (Go her!) When she was feeling around for my uterus and ovaries, however, we encountered a potential problem. She thought she possibly was feeling a cyst in the vicinity of my left ovary. She said it was unlikely, but she wanted to schedule me for an ultrasound just to be safe. (PS. She said it was possible that I was just so thin she could feel my ovary really well! Seriously, ten points to Gryffindor!) I asked if there was any way to squeeze me in today (immediately) so I would not have to arrange a sitter again, etc. Luckily, they were able to! I wasn't really nervous about the potential cyst. Like, not even a little. And I didn't have time to be, because in a matter of minutes I had a stick up my bajingo and had the whole thing cleared up. Turns out what the doc thought was a cyst was actually just my ovary, nice and plump and swollen from having just ovulated. Good little ovary. Everything else looked good too. So yay! No problems and a clean bill of health to begin this crazy adventure. It's nice to know all is well in the baby bunk department.
I'm nervous about the awful, painful period that will likely follow this IUD removal. The one following my birth control pill cessation was one of the most painful experiences of my life. No joke. Hopefully this one will be more mild. AND hopefully my ovulation is good and steady and Derek's swimmers are strong. If all goes according to plan, I'll be pregnant by December. And ideally, I won't be nauseous and sick until after Christmas (well, ideally I won't be nauseous and sick at all- but I'm not that optimistic). With James I couldn't stomach the smells of holiday food cooking (turkey, gag). I'd rather not go there again. But, you know, whatev. We'll take the cards we're drawn. I'll be happy if I have a healthy, strong little baby. I'll try to be tough (I'm kind of a weenie) and just push through the sucky parts of pregnancy. I'm hoping this will be my favorite pregnancy yet. I guess we'll see.
Over and out.
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