Monday, February 1, 2016

Heavenly Father's Plan -- A Talk

My sweet boy James volunteered to give a talk in Primary this coming Sunday. Apparently he won Rock, Paper, Scissors. Ha. And last night, he and I worked on it together. I figured since he is now a whopping 8 1/2 years old, he probably doesn't need me to just write something for him but instead should learn how to write one himself.  This is, as any parent knows, much more work and time intensive, but I hoped it would be worth it. ((Spoiler alert: It was.))

His topic was: Heavenly Father has a Plan for Us.  And the scripture given was Moses 1:39 -- "For behold, this is my work and my glory -- to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."

Derek and I explained the general Plan of Salvation to him. I used visual aids and explained what he had already learned but may have forgotten. Derek delved into the difference between immortality (to live forever) and eternal life (to live forever with God). He also broke down the concepts of this goal being God's work and glory, and what each of those meant (the kid's only eight, after all).  Then I made James do the work.

First we brainstormed. I had him make a bubble chart and had him write any of the words that came to mind from all that we had discussed. He wrote things like: veil/birth, Jesus, earth, plan, people, spirit, Heavenly. Then we made an outline. I wrote Plan of Salvation = Plan of Happiness and then listed the three questions.  He told me things to write underneath each one, and I jotted down quick, incomplete thoughts.  After that, I told him that I would write out anything he said, and he dictated what the actual talk would say, looking at his notes for guidance.  I did help a little (i.e. He really wanted to end with: "And then you live happily ever after... or sad ever after, depending on your choice." Lol.  Maybe I should have let him, but I told him we should end on a more uplifting thought, to empower people instead of depress them.  Haha.  So funny.)  Anyway, here is what he ultimately came up with. I'm so proud.

Heavenly Father’s Plan
Talk by James Anderson, age 8 ½

Heavenly Father has a Plan of Salvation for us. It is also known as the Great Plan of Happiness because it is His plan for us to be happy for eternity. The Plan of Salvation can be explained with three questions and answers.

#1. Where did I come from?

Before we were born, we were spirits in Heaven. This is sometimes called the Premortal Life. We were very happy. We lived with Jesus. Satan came up with a very bad idea. His idea was, “I’ll make them be good.” Jesus had a better idea. He said, “I’ll give them a choice.” Jesus won. So we went through the veil (or were born) and came to Earth.

#2. Why am I here?

We are here on Earth to get a body and to choose good from evil. Life is a test to show that we’re worthy to live with Heavenly Father again.

#3. Where will I go after I die?

When we die, our bodies stay on Earth and go to the grave. But our spirits go to the Spirit World in Heaven. When Jesus Christ comes again, we will all be resurrected. Anything that was hurt or damaged will get better. After our resurrection, we will be judged by God. This final judgement will decide if we go to Outer Darkness, the Telestial Kingdom, the Terrestial Kingdom, or the Celestial Kingdom – which is the best because Heavenly Father lives there.

Heavenly Father wants us to return to Him. He wants us to be happy. He sent Jesus Christ to us to make all of this possible. He calls this His work and His glory. He is working hard for us. We should work hard too.

In the name of Jesus Christ,


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