My baby is eight years old today. Today meaning 20 minutes ago (it's 12:20 AM). Although technically, he will not be eight years old until about 8:40 AM. Regardless, this turning-eight business is kind of breaking my heart. I am so excited for him, as birthdays are about his favorite thing ever, but I am baffled by how eight years have passed. Wasn't he just a tiny baby in my arms?
He is going to be a Boy Scout. I am so under prepared for this. I have no idea what scouts do. Michael was a scout, but I had left home by the time he was old enough to be one. I am absolutely unfamiliar with this boy territory. This has always been the case with James, I suppose, but I thought I had things under control. Now there is a whole new ballgame. I think you'll love it, though. And I have Derek. He has a lot of experience with this, as he was once a little boy himself! I am so happy I have him. He is a good example for my boy. They are both pretty amazing guys.
James is really shaping up to be a pretty great kid. It is been really great to see him step up as Jolie has had her tonsils out and has been suffering. He has helped me a ton, dealt with Jolie and her orneriness, been patient with her when she screams and wakes him up in the night, and been very helpful with Cora. I've been so impressed with him, so proud.
I hope he loves his day tomorrow. (Today?) Derek and I decorated the chair for him to fill all fancy in the kitchen. We hung up the birthday banner. We set out breakfast in bed with balloons and a new cereal that is just special for him. There are streamers hanging from his doorway to greet him as he wakes up. I think he will love it all.
He is having a robot birthday party. We have ordered the cupcakes, made the piñata, planned a few games, and put together some party boxes to give friends. He has been really involved, which has been fun. He really loves parties! What kid doesn't, really? But it has been really fun to see him so involved.
I am a little stressed for tomorrow, as it is our first day of swimming lessons as well. I always feel like schedules make me overscheduled. But I need to remind myself that the schedule is not that tight. We have swimming lessons in the morning. Then we will have lunch at home and rest time. Then I will go pick up the few things we still need and then bam- his party! His presents are wrapped. I think I have most of the Decour. I'm sure it will be fine. They are just eight-year-old children after all.
I told him he could invite eight friends, but of course it has grown to a few more than that. I am not entirely surprised. He is my kid after all. :)
For my ninth birthday, Michael was just a new, new baby, and I'm pretty sure I invited the entire bus of children to attend my party. I don't remember my mom causing a fuss about that at all. She must of been stressed. But she handled it gracefully. Hopefully I will handle tomorrow gracefully as well.
But if I want to have any chance of that, I should probably go to sleep. So I will log off. Over and out. And happy, happy birthday to my beautiful, lovely, amazing, sweet little man. Love you, Jamesie Boy.